The Ultimate Guide on How to Stake XPRT (Persistence Network)
Our complete staking guide was designed to take into account that most Persistence supporters use the following wallets to stake XPRT, the native token of the Persistence network:
- Keplr wallet - a browser extension for Google Chrome (or Brave browser);
- Persistence wallet - a high security web-based app from Persistence;
- Cosmostation - a popular crypto wallet for iOS and Android devices;
Let’s approach each wallet to understand how we can engage in staking activities to increase the Persistence network security level and benefit from generous XPRT rewards.
How to stake XPRT with Keplr Wallet
What is Keplr
Cosmos Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) represents an advanced system of independent networks that can communicate and exchange digital assets and various blockchain-based commodities.
In this environment, Keplr was specially imagined to respond to users’ requirements for a reliable and flexible crypto wallet that can enable them to engage in easy trading and liquidity generation activities in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Keplr can easily be installed as a browser extension in order to store, send and receive Cosmos-based cryptocurrencies allowing users to connect to various dApps, especially decentralized trading platforms where they can acquire coins that are not listed on a centralized exchange (Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, FTX, etc.).
At the same time, the Keplr Wallet can be used to engage in staking operations where token holders can choose from the available list of validators in order to generate staking rewards.
Currently, Keplr Wallet offers access to multiple Cosmos-based networks such as Persistence, Akash, Osmosis, Kava, Sentinel, and Cosmos.
Let’s discover further on how we can use Keplr to stake our XPRT tokens.
How to set up a Keplr wallet
Keplr Wallet can be installed on your desktop via Chrome web store. We need to underline that the browser extension is designed to perform optimally in Google Chrome, but it can equally be installed in the Brave browser. If you have a mobile device that runs on Android or iOS, you can look for Keplr Wallet app in Google Play Store or App Store.
To start the installation process, access the Chrome web store and click ‘Add to Chrome’.
Follow the steps and add the Keplr Wallet extension to your browser. As soon as you finish the installation, access the Keplr extension to create your wallet.
Note: We recommend users to install Keplr Wallet from the official Chrome web store. In addition, users need to remember that it is their responsibility to store the private keys or seed phrases in a safe location.
How to create a Keplr wallet
Sign in with Google
First, you need to choose a name for your account and a password that is difficult to breach. Since we are talking about an important aspect of your financial security, you need to make sure your password is more than 8 characters long and contains various numbers, case letters and special characters. It is important to have a strong password so that your account may be almost impossible to be accessed by hackers. Click 'Next' once these fields are complete.
A pop up will appear where you will have to connect to your Google account by entering your email address and your password. Click 'Next' and that's it.
You just created your Keplr Wallet. Now, you can access the wallet in order to store, send, receive tokens or engage in staking operations.
Create new account
To begin, click on the Keplr extension from you google chrome window. This will redirect you to a new tab that will display the options offered by Keplr to create a wallet. Select 'Create new account'.
As soon as you choose to create a new account, you will receive your Mnemonic Seed, which you need to secure in a safe place. Do not store it in an online place where it can easily be accessed by malicious software or hackers. If you want to increase your security level, you can choose a 24 word mnemonic seed.
After you save your mnemonic seed in a safe location, you can choose a name for your account. Click 'Next' to continue.
Note:If you don’t have much experience with crypto, you don’t need to access the ‘If you don’t have much experience with crypto, you don’t need to access the ‘Advanced’ option.
In the following step, you will have to confirm your mnemonic seed phrase by typing it in the given order. Select ‘Register’ and that’s it.
Import existing account
If you already created a Keplr Wallet before and still have access to your mnemonic seed phrase, you can choose to import your previous wallet. Simply choose to 'Import existing account'.
First of all, you have to insert your seed phrase in the required sequence, then provide a name for your Keplr Wallet. Click ‘Next’ and enjoy your reinstated Keplr Wallet.
Import ledger
For the ultimate level of security in crypto, you can use your Ledger device to store and stake your XPRT tokens. To begin select 'Import ledger'.
Choose an account name and click 'Next' to proceed.
Now, the first thing you need to do is to unlock your Ledger device and access the Cosmos app. Thus, you have to connect your Ledger device to your desktop and access the Ledger Live App, if it’s not already installed. Then you have to go to the Manager tab from the menu and access the Cosmos App.
Follow the instructions to find the Persistence app. Install it first before using it.
As soon as you install the Persistence app, you can choose to use your Ledger device for sending, receiving and staking XPRT tokens.
Let’s now see how we can send some XPRT tokens to your Keplr Wallet address.
How to send XPRT tokens to Keplr
Before engaging in any staking activities, you first need to purchase XPRT tokens. If you have already done that, you need to send the tokens to the deposit address of your Keplr Wallet.
To do just that, simply access the Keplr Wallet browser extension and select the Persistence network from the drop down list.
Click on the address displayed at the top in order to copy it to your clipboard.
Or, you can just click the ‘Deposit’ button and scan the available QR code, if you want.
In case you do not have any XPRT tokens, you can purchase some of them on a centralized or decentralized trading platform. You can check the available Persistence markets on any crypto data aggregator that tracks digital currencies.
After receiving the XPRT tokens in your wallet, you can go ahead and use them for trading or staking activities.
How to stake XPRT with Keplr
Now that you have your XPRT tokens in your Keplr wallet you can begin staking them.
At the moment, the current APR (Annual Percentage Rate) offered by the Persistence Network is around 35%.
To engage in staking operations, click ‘Stake’ to access the Dashboard area where the available networks are listed.
On the left hand side of the dashboard you can find the list of available networks. Scroll down the list until you find 'Persistence' and select it. From the dropdown menu select 'Stake'.
The list of validators on the Persistence Network will be displayed on your screen. Scroll down the list until you find the JECO validator and click 'Manage'.
A pop-up will appear with a short description of JECO, its website, and the commission charged. Click 'Delegate' to continue.
Now add the amount of XPRT tokens you wish to delegate to the JECO validator. You can choose to delegate all your tokens or only a part of them. Click 'Delegate' to continue.
Note: Always leave a few tokens on the wallet to pay for transaction fees.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with information regarding the gas fees. We recommend that you set the gas fee to average. To finish the delegation process set the transaction fee and click 'Approve'.
As soon as you finish staking your tokens, you can check the rewards progress. You have the possibility to decide on the frequency of claiming the rewards. The token rewards can be traded any way you want, or you can put them into staking as you did previously.
The steps explained in this guide can be applied to any Cosmos-based network that appears in the Keplr Wallet.
Note: If you want to unstake your tokens, the blocking period is 21 days which means that after you undelegate your tokens you still have to wait for 21 days to actually have access to your coins.
How to claim XPRT rewards with Keplr
Keplr makes it easy for users to claim their XPRT rewards.
Just launch your Keplr wallet and access the Persistence network from the top. You can see your ‘Pending Staking Rewards’ at the bottom of the window. Click 'Claim' to receive the rewards in your wallet.
Select 'Average' for the gas fee and click 'Approve' to finalize the transaction.
How to unstake XPRT in Keplr
Users can unstake their Persistence tokens in just a few clicks. Open your Keplr wallet browser extension and click the ‘Stake’ button.
You are now in the Keplr wallet dashboard. You should see the amount of staked XPRT and pending rewards. Click ‘Manage’ for more options.
This is where you can undelegate your XPRT tokens. Select 'Undelegate' from the drop down menu and click on it.
Choose how many XPRT token you want to undelegate. Remember that you have to respect a blocking period of 21 days for your tokens, so you will have access to your tokens after these three weeks. Read the message for more details. Click on 'Undelegate' to continue with the transaction.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with details about the transaction and information about the gas fees. Select 'Average' as your gas fee and click on 'Approve' to finalize your undelegation.
How to stake XPRT with the Persistence Wallet
What is Persistence Wallet
Persistence wallet represents a secure method of storing, transferring and staking XPRT tokens. With the Persistence wallet, users can benefit from the 35% APR on staking XPRT.
Though Persistence wallet is a web-based app, the platform has been designed to offer a high level of security inviting users to sign in via a Ledger, a Keplr wallet, or use a KeyStore File that contains the private keys and which can be downloaded by the user in a safe location.
How to set up a Persistence wallet
To create a wallet, go to the Persistence Wallet website and click the ‘Create Wallet’ button. On the same page, you have the option to restore a previously created Persistence wallet by signing in or generating a KeyStore File.
A pop-up will appear containing information about the seed phrase that you are about to receive. It is vital that once you receive your seed phrase you store it in a safe place, preferable offline. The seed phrase is the only tool that you can use to restore your wallet in case you lose access. Click 'Next' to continue.
This is your Mnemonic (Seed Phrase). Once you’ve stored it someplace safe click 'Next' to continue
In the following step, you will have to insert the missing words from the mnemonic phrase in order to verify it. Click Submit to continue.
Before clicking 'Next' to continue you will have to Generate a Keystore File which you will use to approve all transactions executed through your persistence wallet. To do this click on 'Generate Keystore File'. Enter a strong password that you will remember and select 'Submit'. This will download the Keystore File onto your computer, make sure you store it someplace safe. Click 'Done' to return to the initial window. Now that you have downloaded the Keystore File you can move on by selecting 'Next'. (You also have the option to choose advance but this an option for more experienced users, thus we will not select it).
You have created our Persistence wallet. The address displayed on your screen is your wallet address and it is the address you need to send XPRT tokens to in order to be able to stake them. Click 'Login' so that you open up the main dashboard of your wallet.
How to send XPRT tokens to the Persistence Wallet
Before you engage in staking, you should purchase XPRT tokens or - if you’ve already done that - you need to send the tokens to the deposit address of your Persistence Wallet.
To do just that, open the Persistence Wallet and access the ‘Receive’ area in the middle of the window. You should see the exact deposit address of your Persistence wallet.
If you haven't purchased any XPRT tokens yet, you can acquire them on a centralized or decentralized exchange. You can verify the available Persistence markets on a crypto data aggregator that tracks cryptocurrencies.
As soon as you receive XPRT in your wallet, you should be able to start staking your tokens and enjoy the benefits of increasing your investment value.
For more details on how to buy Persistence tokens (XPRT), check our dedicated article: The Ultimate Guide on How to Buy Persistence (XPRT) Tokens
How to stake XPRT tokens with the Persistence Wallet
Open the Persistence Wallet and access the main interface of the Persistence web wallet. Access the ‘Staking’ section at the top of the window.
Here you will see the list of available validators on the Persistence network. Scroll down the list until you find 'JECO' and select 'Actions' from the right-hand side of the window.
A popup window will appear on your screen. From the options displayed choose 'Delegate'.
Enter the delegation amount and click on 'Submit'. Remember to leave some XPRT in your wallet in order to cover for the gas fees.
Now you need to select the gas fee for this transaction. We recommend you choose 'Low or Average'. Once you’ve selected an option for the gas fee click 'Next'.
Enter the password that you set for the Keystore File when you created your wallet and select 'Submit'.
And that’s it. You managed to stake your XPRT tokens with JECO by using the Persistence wallet.
How to claim XPRT tokens with the Persistence Wallet
To claim your rewards in the Persistence wallet, access the main interface of the web-based wallet. Take a look at the top right corner of the page to see your staking rewards. Select the 'Claim' option to access your XPRT rewards.
Now, select JECO as the validator you want to claim your rewards from and click Next.
Select a gas fee for the transaction (we recommend that you choose 'Low or Average') and click 'Next'.
Enter your password and click 'Submit'.
Staking rewards in the Persistence network are distributed every block - this means approximately 5 seconds - which takes the annual percentage rate at circa 35%.
Note: The rewards go directly to your wallet address and you can take any action you see fit. You can choose to store XPRT in your wallet, send it to a trading platform or place it into staking.
How to set up a different address for rewards withdrawal in Persistence wallet
Persistence wallet offers users the possibility to set up a different deposit address for the rewards withdrawal.
This way, you can choose to send the XPRT rewards to a different deposit address. For instance, the XPRT deposit address of an exchange, in case you want to use the rewards for trading purposes.
To perform this change, in the same main interface, select the ‘Claim’ option, and in the pop-up window click ‘Setup Address for Rewards Withdrawal’.
Enter the address you wish to receive the rewards in under 'Revised Address' and click 'Next'.
Select a gas fee for the transaction (we recommend that you choose 'Low or Average') and click 'Next'.
Enter your password and click 'Submit'.
How to unstake XPRT tokens in the Persistence Wallet
We have to emphasize that the unbonding process for XPRT tokens takes 21 days. During this time you will not receive any rewards and you’ll not be able to accelerate the unstaking operation.
To unstake your XPRT tokens, open the Persistence wallet main interface and go to the ‘Staking’ section at the top of the window.
To see how many XPRT tokens you have at stake, click ‘Delegated’ and then the ‘Actions’ button from the right.
You should now see a pop-up with more information about JECO and several options. Choose ‘Unbond’ to start the unstaking process.
Insert the amount of XPRT you wish to undelegate and click ‘Submit’.
Select a gas fee for the transaction (we recommend that you choose 'Low or Zero') and click 'Next'.
Enter your password and click 'Submit'.
How to stake XPRT with Keplr and Persistence Wallets
How to connect Keplr and Persistence wallets
Persistence web wallet can be connected with your Keplr browser extension to engage in staking operations.
To connect the crypto wallets, you need to access and choose to ‘Sign In’ from the top right corner of the window. A pop-up will appear with several options, select Use Keplr.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with a connection request between the two wallets. In order to authorize this connection, click on 'Approve'.
You will use your Keplr Wallet from that moment on for staking XPRT via the Persistence web wallet.
How to stake XPRT with Keplr in Persistence
If you followed the previous steps above, you should be now in the interface of the Persistence web wallet. Access the ‘Staking’ section at the top of the window.
This is the staking interface where the list of validators offered by the Persistence Network is displayed. Make sure that you are viewing the list of active validators and not the list of inactive validators.
Scroll down in the available list to find JECO and select ‘Actions’.
A pop-up with the validator information will appear. Choose ‘Delegate’ to continue
Select the amount you wish to delegate to the JECO validator and click on 'Submit'.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with details about the transaction and information about the gas fees. Select average as your gas fee and click on 'Approve' to finalize the delegation.
You managed to stake XPRT with JECO on the Persistence wallet.
How to claim XPRT rewards with Keplr in Persistence
We’ll assume that your Keplr and Persistence wallets are still connected. If not, go to the section ‘How to connect Keplr and Persistence wallets’ and reconnect the wallets before you proceed.
To claim your rewards with Keplr via Persistence, access the main interface from the Persistence web wallet.
As you access the Persistence wallet, take a look at the top right corner of the page to see your staking rewards. Click ‘Claim’ to access your XPRT rewards.
Select JECO as the validator you wish to claim your rewards from and click on 'Next'.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with information regarding the gas fees. We recommend that you set the gas fee to average. To finish claiming your rewards, set the transaction fee and click 'Approve'.
Staking rewards in the Persistence network are distributed at every block - this means approximately 5 seconds - which takes the annual percentage rate at circa 35%.
Note:The rewards go directly to your wallet address and you can take any action you see fit. You can choose to store them in your wallet, send them to a trading platform or place them into staking.
How to set up another deposit address for rewards withdrawal in Persistence
Persistence wallet allows you to set up a different address for the rewards withdrawal.
This is an interesting option as you may want to receive your XPRT tokens in the deposit address of a centralized or decentralized exchange, where you have the possibility to trade the tokens.
To make this change, access the main interface and select 'Claim'.
Now from the pop-up with details about your rewards, click on ‘Setup Address for rewards Withdrawal’.
Input the address where you want to send your rewards under ‘Revised Address’. Make sure that it's the correct address and select ‘Next’.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with details about the transaction and information regarding the gas fees. Select 'Average' as your gas fee and click on 'Approve' to send your rewards to the desired wallet.
How to unstake XPRT with Keplr in Persistence
We will assume that your Keplr and Persistence wallets are still connected. If not, go to the section ‘How to connect Keplr and Persistence wallets’ and reconnect the wallets before you proceed.
We would first like to emphasize that the unbonding process for XPRT tokens takes 21 days. During this time you will not receive any rewards and you’ll not be able to accelerate the unstaking operation.
To unstake your XPRT tokens, open the Persistence wallet and go to the ‘Staking’ section at the top of the window.
To see how much XPRT you have at stake, click ‘Delegated’
You will now see the validator that you are delegating to (in our case JECO), the delegated amount, and the status. Click on the ‘Actions’ button to proceed.
A pop-up will appear with details about the validator. Click on 'Unbond' from the options displayed.
Under 'Unbonded amount' insert the amount of XPRT tokens you wish to undelegate (we recommend that you leave about 1 XPRT tokens in your wallet to cover the gas fees). Click on 'Submit' to continue.
A Keplr pop-up will appear with details regarding the transaction and information about the gas fees. Select 'Average' as your gas fee and click on 'Approve'. The unstaking period of 21 days begins once you click approve.
How to stake XPRT with Cosmostation Wallet
What is Cosmostation
Cosmostation Wallet was built for the Cosmos ecosystem to support Tendermint-based networks - such as the Cosmos Hub blockchain - but also numerous other projects like Binance BSC, Kava, Persistence, Akash, Sentinel, Sifchain, Osmosis, and others.
The wallet is developed by Cosmostation, an enterprise-grade level validator that runs a powerful node infrastructure. The company is located in South Korea and aims to bring together under the same roof multiple projects that use the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.
Cosmostation can be considered one of the most popular crypto wallets for iOS and Android devices which token holders can utilize in an easy fashion to experience the Cosmos SDK-based chains.
Let’s see how we can install Cosmostation on a mobile device to start staking our Persistence tokens.
How to install Cosmostation
Before downloading Cosmostation, choose if you want to install the app on an iOS or Android device. If you prefer the web version of Cosmostation, you can access it here. For the purpose of this guide, we’ve used an IOS device to provide examples, but all the steps are the same for Android devices.
In order to install the Cosmostation app, simply access the AppStore and download the app.
Further on, we will present the steps you should follow if you want to create a Persistence wallet in Cosmostation to engage in staking.
How to create a Persistence wallet in Cosmostation
Cosmostation can support numerous wallets for projects that are part of the Cosmos Hub allowing users to easily access multiple networks from a single location.
To create a wallet for Persistence, launch the Cosmostation app from your device and choose Start.
You now have the option to choose from multiple networks, as you can see from the image below. Select Persistence to continue.
A pop-up will appear with several options from which you can choose. Select Create to continue.
The following step is very important as you receive your actual Persistence address and seed phrase. In order for the app to display your mnemonics select Show Mnemonics.
You are now required to add a PIN code. This PIN code can not be recovered and it is a very important factor as you will need to input it every time you want to make a transaction. Hence, we recommend that you create a PIN code that you can easily remember.
Once you’ve created your PIN code and verified it the app will display your mnemonics. Make sure you write down your mnemonic phrase and keep it in a safe place, optimally offline, known only by you. Once you are done with that select Create Wallet.
Now it’s the time to send some XPRT tokens to your Persistence wallet in Cosmostation.
How to send XPRT tokens to Cosmostation
It’s easy to receive XPRT tokens into your Cosmostation wallet. Just launch your Cosmostation app and click the deposit address at the top of the window.
A pop-up will appear with a QR code. You have the option to ‘Share’ or ‘Copy’ the address. This is your Persistence deposit address where you can send XPRT tokens.
To purchase XPRT tokens, you need to access a centralized or decentralized exchange. You can verify the available Persistence markets on a crypto aggregator that tracks cryptocurrencies.
As soon as you receive XPRT in your wallet, you should be able to start staking your XPRT tokens and enjoy the benefits of increasing your investment value while securing the network.
How to stake XPRT tokens in Cosmostation
To stake XPRT in the Cosmostation wallet, you need to delegate your tokens to a validator, in our case JECO. Therefore, from the main user interface, click ‘Delegate’ .
Access ‘Top’ from the 3 options displayed at the top of the window. Here you can find the list of available validators for the Persistence network. Select JECO from the validator list by scrolling down until you see the name.
Select Delegate to begin staking your tokens with JECO.
Enter the amount of XPRT tokens you wish to delegate to the JECO validator and press Next.
For the next step you need to insert a memo if you wish to. Since this is optional we will leave it blank. Press Next to continue.
Note:Before you carry on with the delegation process, you should be aware that the XPRT unstaking process imposes a 21-day unbonding period before accessing your tokens again. So, if you just want to run a staking test in Cosmostation, don’t use all your tokens!
Further on, you need to select the transaction fee for your staking. We recommend you leave ‘Low’ or ‘Average’ as the gas fee. Select 'Next' to continue.
Next, you will receive your delegation details. Make sure that you’ve selected JECO and that the delegated amount and fee are correct. Select 'Confirm' to finalize your delegation.
You will receive a notice about the importance of choosing a reliable validator and that once you unbound your XPRT tokens from a validator, you need to wait for 21 days before accessing your tokens again. To finish the staking process select 'Continue' and enter the PIN you set at the beginning.
If you take a look now at the main wallet interface, you will notice the number of available tokens and the ones that have been placed into staking.
You are now delegating your XPRT tokens to JECO through your Cosmostation wallet.
How to claim XPRT rewards in Cosmostation
Now that you have managed to place your XPRT tokens into staking to earn rewards you may wish to claim the accumulated rewards.
To claim rewards, open the Cosmostation app on your mobile device, and from the main interface select 'Delegate'.
Now, in the next window select ‘My’ from the 3 options at the top. The validators that you are delegating too will be displayed. Select 'JECO' to continue.
Press ‘Claim Reward’
You will receive details about your rewards. Make sure that information is correct and press 'Next' to continue.
Again, you have the option to insert a memo. Since it's optional, leave it blank and press 'Next' to continue.
Select the gas fee you wish to allocate to this transaction (we recommend 'Low or Average'), and press 'Next' to continue.
Check that your information regarding the validator that you are claiming rewards from, the reward amount, and the fee are correct. Press 'Confirm' to continue. To finalize the process of claiming your rewards you will have to insert your PIN code.
Go back into the main dashboard of Cosmostation and see your collected rewards under Available.
How to unstake XPRT in Cosmostation
Cosmostation makes it easy for its users to access their XPRT tokens to send, receive, store, stake and finally unstake them in just a few steps.
To remove your XPRT tokens from staking, you need to open the Cosmostation app on your mobile device and from the main interface select 'Delegate'.
In this area, select the ‘My’ tab and select 'JECO'
This will open up the Validator details. Select 'Undelegate' to begin unstaking your XPRT tokens.
Enter the amount you wish to undelegate from the JECO validator and press 'Next'.
Leave the space where you can insert a memo blank as this step is optional and press 'Next' to carry on with the process.
Select the gas fee you wish to allocate to this transaction (we recommend 'Low' or 'Average'), and press 'Next' to continue.
You will now receive your undelegation details. Make sure that you are delegating from JECO and that the undelegated amount and fee are correct. Press 'Confirm' to continue.
Enter your PIN to finalize the process.
Note: The unstaking process takes 21 days. During this time, you will not receive any rewards and you won’t be able to speed up the procedure.
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What are the risks when staking a PoS-based cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency projects that utilize the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism were designed to attract more of the general public to the blockchain world while setting up a more eco-friendly procedure for verifying and accepting transactions.
That’s why, right now, the Proof of Stake mechanism is considered a better solution for digital assets, while Bitcoin’s Proof of Work original protocol is seen as an antique technology that increases electricity consumption all over the world.
Nevertheless, cryptocurrency projects come with various issues and since we are talking about a less regulated industry, we need to make sure we actually understand the project we support before we invest any financial resources.
Will our token prove to be a real store of value while facing a high number of challenges and threats from inside and outside the blockchain space?
Furthermore, we need to understand the existing technical risks when choosing a validator for our tokens. For example, if the validator doesn’t succeed in preserving an optimal level of uptime, some of our own staked tokens may be slashed.
To avoid any unwanted reduction of tokens, we always have to conduct some research on the selected validators. Why would you select a particular validator over another?
As with any financial investment, we must be aware of all the risks involved and do our ‘homework’ before choosing to support a cryptocurrency project or engage in any staking activity.
If you are interested and want to learn more about Persistence, check our dedicated article about the network.
If you are unsure about how to purchase XPRT tokens, feel free to check our guide
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Why choose JECO as a validator
JECO aims to become a reliable validator in the Persistence network preserving high availability and providing top-notch security.
We chose Persistence after analyzing its core features and principles and understanding how exactly this project delivers real value to its community and supporters.
Persistence convinced us to support its development as we checked its market value and we actually understood this project can bridge traditional and blockchain-based finance worlds acting as a magnet for retail and institutional players that are looking to secure their investments and engage in a seamless exchange of digital assets.
We are driven to maintain a highly secure infrastructure for Proof of Stake projects that offer long-term perspectives and sustainable staking rewards.
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DISCLAIMER: This guide is not financial advice. Staking activities and cryptocurrency investment involve some degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of losing all digital assets. Furthermore, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or technical faults on the part of some validators who didn’t invest many resources in establishing a reliable infrastructure. We advise users to research the projects they want to support before investing.